Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Roman's room...

My Mom got us a new sage-green gingham chair & ottoman for Roman's room. We rearranged everything to make room for it and now the room looks a lot different.

Perkins thinks he is King of the Jungle Room...okay...last post...really...my parents are picking us up in less than an hour :)

going to russia, going to russia, going to russia...we're coming Roman. We love you!!
Blogger A Room to Grow said...
the jungle theme suits Perkins well. keep us posted along the way if you can! safe travels!

Blogger Jennefer said...
Your nursery is gorgeous. I hope you trip is going great! I look forward to hearing all about it and seeing Roman home.

Blogger Lauri said...
I love the room.... have a sfae trip
