We really are!! We are officially leaving today! We are flying to pick up Roman today! It is 12:02 and our flight leaves TODAY!!! Amazing...all this time spent waiting and now it is here! One week from today, we will officially be Roman's parents...we will be a family!
Here's the map of Russia again for you to look at until one of us posts again...you can think about us over there (as if you weren't already)!!

I miss him so much...I can't wait to see him and snuggle him and hear his beautiful laugh...see his gorgeous smile! My son...OH MY GOSH!! MY SON!!
Okay...I am going to try to calm down because I have to try to get some sleep. I have everything ready except for a few things that are still in the washer/dryer. Roman's bag is packed and zipped up. Ready to go downstairs and into the car. Our bag has a few more things to add...I am trying so hard to just get everything into two, so that we don't have to bring a carry-on (other than our backpacks).
My parents are picking us up tomorrow to take us to the airport...then, we are meeting my sister at the airport to say goodbye.
When we get home, both sets of grandparents are coming to the airport to pick us up and see their grandson for the first time :) I am sure they will have big signs and will be jumping up and down. When we flew in last time after meeting Roman...Andrew's Mom, Beth, had a sign that simply said "Roman's Parents". It was so cute...she just held it up as she was looking for us. Made us really laugh after a long day of traveling.
Beth will be posting for us in our absence...we will try to find a cyber cafe as well, but it is tough in Kaliningrad since we are staying with a family and don't have a lot of free time. Might be more likely in Moscow when we are not sight-seeing and going to the embassy, doctor, etc.
Okay...gotta go switch around the laundry and try to fall asleep...so excited...I can't stand it. Andrew fell asleep at 10:30 and is in there snoring away. But, then he has slept through a hurricane before :)
Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes and love...talk to you soon from Mother Russia.
Congrats & I cant wait to hear all about your trip & see pics
Congratz and safe travels.
Roman is certainly on my prayer board and I look at him every day. I can't wait to hear all about your adventure!