Monday, April 10, 2006
7 days from today...
well, 7 and a half days...we fly to Frankfurt, then to Moscow then to Kaliningrad...

2 weeks from today...We have court and will get custody of our son...their is a 10-day waiting period that we are hoping will be waived so that we will be a family on April 24th...

In 3 weeks, we will be home with our son and the fun will begin :)
Blogger 6blessings said...
Keep counting down, then you can start counting up. We're all one day closer than we were before. I am so excited for you!!!!

Blogger CarolinaGirl said...
Hey girl! I am so sorry that I haven't gotten back to you!. We have got to talk about meeting up in Moscow. I am dying to meet you guys. I know that we are going to overlap days. So, I am praying there is a way that we can meet you both. Isn't this crazy that we are almost on the plane? My head is about to explode with the amount of things that have to get done! :) It is all good though...this is great!

Blogger sandy said...
Wow! The time will go so fast. I hope everything goes smoothly! I have been following your blog closely since my friend Mollie introduced me to blogging last month. It's been such a great experience being able to read what you and others are going through, and has helped me a LOT! Thanks for visiting my blog, too. I'm looking forward to hearing about your preparations and your trip.

Blogger Maggie said...
Roman here you come! I'll keep my fingers crossed for those 10-days to be waived.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We were so very glad to hear that you made it there and all is well. As a matter of fact, I was just about to post to your blog when I read your email. We must have be online at the same time. Every moment that goes by, we are predicting what you are doing. Even in the second grade Scholastic News,we were reading about Earth Day in Russia and wondering if you saw any celebrations this Saturday. We love you and can't wait to hear from you again and definitely are awaiting your arrival home!!!!
Love, Mom