Is there such a thing? I have heard that pregnant women get "pregnancy brain" because the baby growing inside them uses up some of their brain capacity. Sometimes, women become absent-minded or clumsy...
Well, I know I was those things before we decided to adopt, but it has been getting worse the last few days. Last weekend, while driving a friend to her bridal shower that I was hosting at a restaurant, I kept turning in the wrong directions and making weird u-turns that weren't really u-turns. My friend said I have "adoption brain".
Well, it gets worse...yesterday I fell down the stairs to our basement. Anyone that has been to our house know that our basement stairs are terrible anyways, but I hit the bad step and then missed the bottom step and just went flying down towards the cement wall. And, yes, I hit it...really hard. Apparently, I braced myself with my elbow because it is black & blue and hurts like a banshee. The wall didn't stop my fall though...I kept going towards the 52 inch big-screen in the corner. A was right there standing on a chair changing the halogen bulbs overhead. He just laughed (before he asked if I was okay) and then asked me to carry the long bulbs up to the trash. I said, yeah right...that's all I need is to trip again and then have the halogen bulbs explode and have blood everywhere.
Wait, it doesnt stop there...then, I met E & H for dinner at Chipotle. I couldnt find my keys anywhere...seems I jumped out of the car to greet them and left it running and unlocked. Didnt tell A this...he would probably just scream :)
Hmmm...Adoption brain...I mean exists :)
This goes back to my theory that adoption paperwork makes you stupid. I'm really worried about Elle and I since we basically just had to redo our whole dossier. I can feel my brain shrinking...
I am pretty sure about 1/2 of my brain keeled over yesterday.