Thursday, April 06, 2006
Adoption Brain...
Is there such a thing? I have heard that pregnant women get "pregnancy brain" because the baby growing inside them uses up some of their brain capacity. Sometimes, women become absent-minded or clumsy...

Well, I know I was those things before we decided to adopt, but it has been getting worse the last few days. Last weekend, while driving a friend to her bridal shower that I was hosting at a restaurant, I kept turning in the wrong directions and making weird u-turns that weren't really u-turns. My friend said I have "adoption brain".

Well, it gets worse...yesterday I fell down the stairs to our basement. Anyone that has been to our house know that our basement stairs are terrible anyways, but I hit the bad step and then missed the bottom step and just went flying down towards the cement wall. And, yes, I hit it...really hard. Apparently, I braced myself with my elbow because it is black & blue and hurts like a banshee. The wall didn't stop my fall though...I kept going towards the 52 inch big-screen in the corner. A was right there standing on a chair changing the halogen bulbs overhead. He just laughed (before he asked if I was okay) and then asked me to carry the long bulbs up to the trash. I said, yeah right...that's all I need is to trip again and then have the halogen bulbs explode and have blood everywhere.

Wait, it doesnt stop there...then, I met E & H for dinner at Chipotle. I couldnt find my keys anywhere...seems I jumped out of the car to greet them and left it running and unlocked. Didnt tell A this...he would probably just scream :)

Hmmm...Adoption brain...I mean exists :)
Blogger Trusty Husband said...

This goes back to my theory that adoption paperwork makes you stupid. I'm really worried about Elle and I since we basically just had to redo our whole dossier. I can feel my brain shrinking...

Blogger Deb said...
My goodness that is a funny story. I'm glad your okay. I don't think Dave would like to know that I'm going to get worse then I already am. LOL

Blogger 6blessings said...
I believe that a little of your brain goes out with each child, adopted or through pregnancy. I have experienced it both. Hey, that's one more to add to my comparison list(if I remember it)!

Blogger Maggie said...
Oh, falling down stairs. That gives me nightmares. I fell down a flight of stairs at work (3rd day on the job). It's more than 2 years later and my knee is still messed up.

Blogger Elle said...
I fully admit limited brain capacity. In fact I am very close to carrying a pad of sticky notes in my pocket just so I can remember stuff.

I am pretty sure about 1/2 of my brain keeled over yesterday.

Blogger Jennefer said...
I think it is the stress and the anticipation of stress and excitement. I am already nervous about the whole second trip- the court, handling my new child at the hotel, handling things in a new country. Then there is the knowledge that your life will never be the same again and dramatic changes are going to happen. It makes me want to fall down the stairs right now. There are so many things to think about and remember at the same time. I am going to be exactly like that before my second trip- you are not alone there!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, adoption brain exists...we left our car running in our driveway and left town in yhe other car! I must blog that story.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
should i be worried about everyone's safety when you are all in russia? :) can't wait for my time to come!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don't think it gets better... next up is mommy brain. Just as bad but it a small one attached to your leg saying...mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy....MOMMY!!!! I think it is self preservation. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh that is funny!! Except for the falling-down-the-stairs part, OUCH! Yeah I can imagine it does exist, what with all the things you have to think about and all the excitement :)