Saturday, April 22, 2006
Andrew & Gaye in Kaliningrad with our Son...
Hello everyone!! Well, it is now Saturday in Kaliningrad and we have just had another visit with Roman. He was in great spirits today...laughing, smiling and throwing himself into our arms :) We actually got to go into the actual orphanage today and wait next door while Roman was finishing his lunch. There was another family there today with their son...they are scheduled to have court on Monday as well. They are from San Diego and were very will be nice to keep in touch with other families with children from the same orphanage.

Some new looks like we will not have court until possibly Tuesday instead of Monday...we are waiting for an official document from Moscow (at least that is what we can figure out). We might have to change our tickets and fly into Moscow later which would change our arrival date back into the states...we will keep you posted. We are hoping that the later court date will not affect our flights to Moscow...but you never know. Once we get the official word from the courts that we are Roman's parents, there is a lot of paperwork and running around to be done, so it might not get done on time.

All is well here in Russia...Roman still has his perpetual cold that he has had for months, but is such a happy boy. He seemed to remember us and the silver heart bracelet. We should be able to visit with him again tomorrow and Monday before court.

Food is great...we went to a authentic Uzbekhistan Restaurant last night...the food was amazing. Gaye even liked it :)

Havent gone bowling yet...perhaps Yuri is scared of a rematch with Andrew ;)

Will try to post another day once we find out about court and our trip home.

p.s. please post comments...we love to read them
Blogger Jennefer said...
How exciting to be there in Russia with Roman. This is a nice time of year to be there. I am glad he remembered you guys and was warm and responsive. Pretty soon he will be home with you! I hope things all goes well with your court and travel dates.

Blogger Deb said...
How wonderful your trip sounds. And such a great thing that Roman remembers you. Hoping everything works out with court.

Blogger 6blessings said...
I am so excited you are there with Roman!! I hope court goes smoothly and all flights are able to stay the same. Enjoy every moment of it. We can't wait to hear all of the details.

Blogger Maggie said...
I'm glad to hear news from you. I bet Roman will be able to shake that cold once he's out of the orphanage.

I'm hoping the day delay with court doesn't mess up the schedule too much. I'm thinking of you!

Blogger Lauri said...
Thinking of you & cant wait to hear all about your Boy Roman

Take Care


Blogger A Room to Grow said...
I'm glad that you are able to post while you are over there. I love reading posts of families who are in Russia!!! Sounds like things are going well with the process and with Roman - that's wonderful. I can't wait to see him in pics... Have a good day tomorrow and we'll be waiting for news about the court date.

Blogger Nicki said...
I so happy for you guys. It is wonderful that Roman remembers you and your visit. Very soon he will be yours alone!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hurry home....Logan and Alex can't wait to meet their new neighbor and they're driving me nuts because they keep asking where Ms "Day" and Mr. Drew are all the time. I'm so glad that Roman recognized you both, that makes it a million times sweeter :) Major rain storm went through today but everything is least from the outside, hee hee hee. Alex's Spring festival has been postponed again due to rain until May 6th so since I KNOW you'll be home by then so you can bring Roman along to see the animals and do the Easter Egg hunt (yes this is the 3rd rescheduled date) and moon bounce...well maybe not the moon bounce. We miss you guys! -Kathy

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is good to here from you guys and we are so happy that you are spending so much time with Roman....we can't wait to visit you guys during the summer to meet him..good luck with court and all the paper stuff...the wedding this weekend was nice we will tell you all about it later.....have fun and take care...Bobby and Ely

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What? no more messages? Not like you in the middle of no where right? Hee hee hee...the kids are in bed and my movie just ended so I decided to say good night to you guys. I checked out the house today and made sure there was no trash going funky...cleaned the cat litter out for you too :) Your house looks so lonesome without you guys. Can't wait to hear from you soon and find out if you're coming back on the 30th or not. Happy dreams....just think, soon you get to cuddle Roman in bed too... :)

Blogger sandy said...
Glad to hear that everything is going well so far! I pray that court and flights go smoothly for you. Please keep us posted as much as you can. I am eating up all the details!
Take care!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, I'm not sure where Mom's post went, but she did make a post. I hope you guys are getting a chance to read all of the comments. Darron told me yesterday to let you know he's thinking about you guys. We cannot wait to hear how everything went at court and we cannot wait until you bring Roman home!!! :-) Ryan is following the blog and I will pass on any information that I hear from your guys. We love you very much!!! Hopefully we will talk to you soon!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh, one more thing. I tried to email Elena and the message was returned to me. I'm not sure if maybe I wrote down the email address incorrectly. I hope you were able to get in touch with her!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad to finally hear from you and know that you arrived safely! Please keep us informed- we are waiting with baited breath!

Blogger Unknown said...
Hopefully you got the official word from the courts that you are Roman's parents,

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