Saturday, May 13, 2006
Roman's Posse...
When we arrived at Dulles Airport, our family and friends were all waiting for us in custom-made T-shirts...

From the right, "Aunt Carrie", Grandma Joann, Aunt Erica, Uncle Brent, Cousin Haylee, Papa Tack, Grandpa Jeff, Grandma Beth, "Brother" Ryan and Friend Amy :)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's nice to be loved and have Roman welcomed into such a caring family.

Blogger Maggie said...
That's cool. What a great welcome home.

Happy Mother's Day, by the way!

Blogger Jennefer said...
What a great welcoming crowd! We will fly through Dulles too. The prices seem great through there compared to what others are quoting.

Blogger 6blessings said...
What a welcoming party!! I'd love to know what the shirts said. Did they have his picture on them? He'll love to see that picture when he gets older. He'll know just how loved he is!!

Blogger Lauri said...
I know your busy....catching up on sleep, chasing a busy toddler. Please update us when you can on how Roman is getting along and how your doing with your new role as mom. I have been thinking about you
Hope that does not freak you out- but from one new mom to another I like knowing how others are adjusting

Take care