Here is Roman sleeping on the 8-hour flight from Frankfurt to D.C. You can't really tell, but he is drenched in sweat from head to toe...my baby is a sleep sweat-er. I asked the International Adoption Doctor about it and he said it is something that they have found in babies adopted from Eastern European countries and that it should subside in a few months...they don't have an explanation...
I am sitting here listening to little Roman cry in his crib from across the hall...it is nap time and he is exhausted, but still fights the sleep. I go in about every 10 minutes and rub his back and tell him that I am still here...sometimes it helps and sometimes it just makes it worse.
Today, it would freakin help if the neighbors didn't have the huge yardwork crew running 5 machines right under his bedroom window!! Geesh!! Don't they know it is nap time?
It is so hard to hear him cry, but I know I need to do it...he needs to learn to sleep on his own and to self-soothe. Last night, he went to bed okay after about 5 minutes of crying after his books and bottle...then, at 1:30 in the morning, he woke up screaming. I was so tired myself, that I just picked him up and he and I went and laid down on the guest room bed. We slept until 7:00 a.m....it was a sweet morning!!
Wait...I don't hear anything...I think he might have fallen asleep. Maybe? Do I dare hope? I better wait a few more minutes before going into check because he will hear me and it will all begin anew...
He really needs a nap because today is his Great-Grammy's 90th birthday and we have a birthday dinner planned. He has met her, but has not let us put him in her lap long enough to take the picture we so desperately want to capture...
This is a busy weekend for the little guy...birthdays and Mommy's first Mother's Day...
Alas...I think he is asleep...now, maybe I stop listening and go do some laundry :)
Way to go on the sleeping- I know its hard,its rough at first, I did not want to let O cry at all- I always questioned what i was doing but it has paid off.
take Care
It was a whole other world with an older child. One night when Peanut couldn't sleep he climbed up in his closet, got bubbles, and proceeded to spill them all over his bed. He lied and said it was water, but when he realized I wasn't buying it he started to giggle. It ended up with both of us on the floor laughing.
I hope he gets the sleeping routine down. It is true that there are times when you have a young child that doing laundry by yourself or getting in a nap- without interruptions can be a treat, but watching them sleep (they always look so sweet) is ALWAYS a treat.