Tuesday, May 09, 2006
First night sleeping in his crib...
So exciting!!! We had been having Roman sleep with us in our bed, but we knew it was time to try to get him comfortable and secure enough to sleep in his crib. So, I tried it last night...and he only woke up four times and then slept from 11:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. I was so proud of him...but, it was hard to let go and not keep him with us. He is such a snuggle-bug...and when he wakes up and rolls over and sees you next to him, his faces just lights up into the biggest grin. It was hard to put him in his crib and to hear him cry, but I just kept going in and reassuring him and rubbing his back.

Baby steps...
Blogger Lauri said...
Im proud of you- I know its hard- be consistant and it will all pay off- maybe you can keep your nap time together so you still get your fix.

Great work & trust your instincts


Blogger Maggie said...
That's great. And the picture of him is priceless.

Blogger Suz said...
Way to go Roman . . . and Mommy!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tough step...way to go!

Blogger 6blessings said...
Sounds like you're doing great, MOM!! He is absolutely precious!

Blogger Jennefer said...
I echo the comments here. You are doing great!