Thursday, February 23, 2006
Still waiting for documents from the social worker so I can FedEx them down to Richmond for the Apostille...hmmm, wonder if I will be driving down there insted!!!

This is the gang at the DC Cowboys show...Across the front are my sister-in-law, Erica, me, and Carrie in the pink. I don't know the girl in the green or the girl in the white behind me...well, that's not totally true. They are friends of Adam's from work, but I didn't really talk to them. I am kind of leaning on Ryan who is behind me and then there's Amy...then Adam on the top right.

Then...self-explanatory...our crib and the new shower curtain.
Blogger Maggie said...
I'm a bit envious of all the nursery decorating... I'm leaping right over that stage. But, action figures and sports stuff is fun, too!

Blogger Jennefer said...
Isn't it fun to buy stuff for a baby? It is one of my favorite things. The jungle theme is going to be really cute.