Friday, February 17, 2006
That's right...we finally got word...our baby will be a boy!! We are still waiting for the official referral for the age, name, medical info, etc...but, we know enough today that we were able to go ahead and start working on re-doing some paperwork and we can get our flights scheduled over the weekend if we find good ones.

Yuri wants us in Kaliningrad on Monday, March, we will be traveling either on Friday the 10th or Saturday the 11th. There are only 1 or 2 flights a day into from Warsaw and maybe one from Moscow, so scheduling this is a little difficult. We might have to spend a night on the way. Then, he says we will be going back to Kaliningrad 4 weeks after we get home to bring our baby home with us forever.

Today, we went and got another copy of our marriage license triple-sealed...Virginia requires it that way for some reason. Made the mistake last time of mailing one off to be Apostilled (given the state seal) only to have them send it back to me. Then, we went and got our police records. There are just a couple of other things to update and we are on our way. I am hoping to have everything done & notarized and Fedexed off to Richmond on Tuesday...then, off to Russia it goes.

We are still awaiting a photo of our baby and his name...we want to keep the Russian name, so hearing the name is so important to us. And, of course the important medical information. But just knowing that a child has been chosen for us is so if I can just stop myself from freaking out every hour :)

I won't be able to post the photo on this blog, but I will let you know when we have one. I am going out tonight with my girlfriends for a much-needed night of dinner, conversation and relaxation.
Blogger Elle said...
CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting. You will have to tell us all his name as soon as you get it!
What fabulous news. I hope the good news keeps on rolling down the hill to the rest of us.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Congratulations on a boy! It sounds like you have a lot to do before the big day. Adoption is all about rush, rush, wait, wait, wait, rush, rush, rush- it is enough to make anyone crazy!

Blogger Maggie said...
What wonderful news! I'm so happy for you.

Blogger Amy C said...
Congrats I have been following your blog and am very excited for you.
Mu Cousin is adopting and just got back from her first trip...


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congratulations to you both!