So, I had the bright idea that it would be a good idea to get up every morning at 6:00 a.m. and walk with my husband before he goes to work...we started this past Monday morning, then I didn't get up early again until this morning. I tried, I really tried, I just could not drag my butt out of bed the other mornings. But, 2 mornings this week is pretty good for this non-working out gal. Next week, I will be better, I promise :)
I have never been what you would call athletic, but yet I have "coached" a work co-ed softball team for the last 8 years and been a commissioner for the league for the past 3. I work for a communications publishing company and we play other companies in our industry such as the FCC, C-SPAN, communications attorneys, etc. It has been team has a few players from my office, but most of them are part-timers that are on my staff or friends and family of those few employees. We have a fun team...we don't win that often, but we have fun.
Everyone keeps asking me if I will coach again this season and I just don't know what to tell them. I don't know what my life will be like in May when the season starts. I don't know if I will have a son or daughter that I won't want to bring to the games. I am prett

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e that I will not be the commissioner again, but even that I am dragging my feet on. Now is the time to start planning the season and reserving fields or to pass the torch, but I can't even seem to do that. I am not ready to relinquish the control or give that part of my life up. I know I need to, but I just can't do it yet.
This is a picture of my team from a few seasons ago...most of these people still play, but some have left for new adventures such as grad school, marriage, etc and new players have filled in.
I would keep playing softball. My thoughts: (1) athletic activity; (2) keeps you connected with friends; (3) important to have activities that you do (ie. not just wife or mom activities, if you know what i mean); (4) if for some reason you're not a mom by summer, you'll have something fun to do.