Monday, February 27, 2006
Cute things...
Andrew laughed at me when I took these pictures of the new window treatments, but I knew that someone would be interested :)

Plus, I just love the little animals and wanted to share them.

I went Glider shopping on Saturday with my mother-in-law & sister-in-law...we found one we all loved that we can get in a fabric that will match the green on top of the expensive though so we are waiting.

I will have to take more pics of Roman's new clothes, but these are the outfits that his Daddy loves the most...he actually got them for his last birthday before we even knew we were adopting a little boy :) Now, we just need to get him some Toronto Maple Leafs clothing to add to his wardrobe and his Daddy will never stop smiling :)
Blogger Jennefer said...
Cute window treatments and outfits! Getting ready is half the fun! It makes it all more real. Just a few more days!

Blogger Elle said...
Love the window treatment! A currently has a hockey stick over his bedroom window. It is just held up there with Fun Tack and I am waiting for the day it comes crashing down and scares the snot out of me. I was going to turn it into a curtain rod, but I can't bring myself to drill holes in my hockey stick.

Good Daddy Andrew!! All little boys need hockey attire. If you come across a little 2T Habs jersey send it my way. I have been on the search for hockey wear for A for almost a year now. Darn states, they just don't appreciate a good sport when they see it.

Blogger Maggie said...
Yay! Pictures! I really like the valances. They're cute and they'll grow with Roman for a while.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
Michael can't understand the whole blog thing and doesn't understand why I take pics of everyday things. That said, you'll see that I haven't been posting any pics, (and I've been bad at posting) because I can't find the device I need to download them!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Love the window treatment! Leaf fans, eh. Well, if you're having trouble finding a jersey let me know. We have one for our little one and a Team Canada jersey as well!

Lisa, I would even buy a Habs jersey and ship hurts me to say that!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gaye, just wanted to introduce myself as I've been reading recently and read through your archives. Found you via Lauri & John (Leap of Faith). Congrats on your referral.
We have a 5 year old through IVF but subsequent attempts have been failures. We are mostly ready to switch to adoption as at least there will be guaranteed kid at the end of it.
I wanted to find out more about Kaliningrad- it looks like an interesting program. I have been looking at Lithuania but am frustrated by the 2+ year wait. Can I ask what agency you used? I didn't realize that you had to specify regions and would appreciate any insight/knowledge you could give to enlighten me. My email is: (I would have emailed but couldn't find your contact info- sorry to leave such a long comment).

Blogger Lauri said...
If you have ever been to my blog- you will know that im a sucker for pictures of kids clothes.... Roman will be stylin in his VT duds. Keep the room pics coming..I love the valances & wood blinds.

I love the little animals on the valences and the sage color.