Monday, September 04, 2006
A big shout out to Elle & Derek!!!
My adoption friends, Elle & Derek, became the proud parents of Oleg today in court in Russia!!! This has been a long journey for them and I am just so excited!!

Up until today, we have only known their son as "Pickle" as they did not want to reveal his name until the adoption was, for months, we have all been referring to him as "Pickle"!!

We can't wait to see pictures of little Oleg...go over to Elle & Derek's site below and give them a big congratulations!!
Blogger sandy said...
I loved the pics of Roman. He has really grown! And he's so adorable. You guys look really happy!

Blogger sandy said...
Hi again! There's a four tag thing going around and I've tagged you if you're interested. Check out my blog for the questions. Hope all is well with you!