First of all...I finally broke Andrew!! Yep, that's right...WE GOT A DOG!!! An absolutely adorable Miniature Daschund. His name is Rockie and he is 6 months old and we just love him. Roman cannot stop hugging him and giving him kisses...they are so cute. Rockie is the perfect size to be Roman's best pal. He is such a good dog too...such a lovey-dovey doggie. Rockie came to be a part of our family

because my cousins, Milan & Karen, in Oklahoma bred their Daschund, Chloe. My parents just happened to be out in Oklahoma last month and brought Rockie home for us. He was such a great cross-country traveler too!!

Okay, let's see...what else? Well, we went to the pumpkin patch again with our friends, Ryan, Amy, Adam & Amy. It was as fun as last year...so much warmer though. We got lost in the Maize Maze though and Roman refused to walk...he made Daddy carry him the whole time. Needless to say, Daddy was pretty tired at the e

nd of the day :)
Okay, what else...Roman started preschool and he LOVES it! There was no separation anxieties for my son...he just runs through the door yelling "Bye Mommy...I love you"! He is already singing his "ABC's" and can count past 10. He is a genius ;)
And, Halloween...Daddy got a costume way back in June for the low, low price of $3.50 online. So, although not my first choice for a costume for Roman, he made an adorable little pumpkin. It was fun this year because he could actually say "trick or treat" and understood the concept...well, for the most part :)
I know I have been a slacker about posting and I'm sorry. I will try to at least put pictures up more often. Just wanted to give everyone an update and let them know how great Roman is doing...he is growing so big and amazes us everyday with his vocabulary.