We had a lot of memorable anniversaries to celebrate in April!!
April 16th - Roman's 2nd birthday
April 25th - 1st Anniversary of the date that our adoption was granted
April 26th - 1st Anniversary of our "Family" or "Gotcha" Day
April 30th - Roman's 1st Anniversary of being a American citizen!!
I can't believe that we have been a family for a whole year! Roman has been our son for one year of his life...it feels as though he has always been with us!!
A little reflection on this year...it has been the most amazing year of my life! I have always dreamed of being a Mommy and this little boy has made my dream come true. Every day he does something that makes me laugh or smile. Every day I thank God that he is home with us.
My son is like a breath of fresh air...it doesn't matter how bad things are...all I have to do is play tickle-monster with him and everything is better :)
Now, I will admit, we had it pretty easy with our transition into a family. We had no bonding issues. We had no major sleeping or eating issues. We have had no aggression or delays. This kid has just eased right into our lives and into his life as a member of our community with no problems.
After just a few weeks, he was sleeping through the night in his own crib in his own room. He loved baths after we actually got him home and out of Russia (he had never had a real bath before). He loves meeting new children and learning new things. He will try pretty much any food at least once. He loves kisses and hugs. He loves the pool...and I mean LOVES the pool!! At least he did last summer...I hope it is the same this summer.
Now, this being said...we do have our off days. The days when Roman does not want anyone but Mommy and Mommy cannot take a break. The days when he thinks it might be funny to laugh while he has applesauce in his mouth. The days where no matter how many times you say stop when he is running up the sidewalk and getting further away...he will just turn around and laugh. He is testing his boundaries and sometimes it is hard not to laugh and be proud of his spirit. He has come so far from the sad-faced little boy we brought home just a year ago.
And, the language skills continue to amaze me. The Russian Roman who only heard Russian the first year of his life is talking in 5-word sentences and repeating every word we say. I tried to count the number of words he was saying before he had his 2-year checkup this past MOnday and once I got to 100, I gave up :)
That is another thing...the boy is growing like a weed!!! A big weed!! Since we got his referral, back in February 2006, Roman has gone from 21 pounds to 32 pounds. He is almost 6 inches taller and his head is really big. He is in the 99th percentile for all 3 things. The kid is going to be a linebacker or a tackle or some other big position. He is going to get a scholarship to Virginia Tech and play football :) Or, if Papa Tack has any say-so, he will go to Oklahoma State :)
Well, I am babbling, but tonight I am completely enamored with my son. I had a 'girl's night' with nails & dinner and I was so excited to come home to the little guy. What other man in my life gives me suc
h a huge reception and smile every time he sees me? My husband? Well, sometimes :)
p.s. you can see lots more photos of Roman and the family on our
online family photo gallery ...make sure you check them out....it is mostly Roman, but occasionally, I put someone else in there :) There are pics from 2006 and 2007 including a folder with pics of him month-by-month since he has been home. What at change in him!!
p.s.s. Roman and I were mentioned in an article about adoption and the workplace in the Washington Post. You have to know my full name and search for it on washingtonpost.com or email me and I will send you the article.
My life has forever been changed by The Russian Roman :)