Roman is thriving...getting so tall and filling out his 2T clothes. He is a little under the weather right now. I feel so bad for him...he is all congested and snotty and it seems painful for him to breathe. At least he is sick now and will hopefully be over it by Christmas.
Guess what!!!???!!! We were interviewed by a reporter tonight who is doing a newspaper article on us and our journey to Roman. Her focus is on our first Christmas together as a family. We are so excited. It is just a little local paper, but they publish their stories online and it will have photos of our little camera lover :)
The article is supposed to come out this week or next week...I will keep you posted. In the meantime, here is a recent pic of Sir Roman of the British Royal Guard. And, on

e of him with his favorite friend, Mr. Moo :)
Also...best wishes to all of my blogger friends. There has been some great news lately...court dates and trips to meet children. So exciting!!